Who is Paul Potts?
First off, I am not the British opera singer that received his fame from the Britain's Got Talent television show. If you are interested in the singer artist Paul Potts, click here. http://www.paulpottsuk.com/frontpage
And no, I don’t sell his CDs here…but you can find them at
I am the American multi-media artist, Paul Potts. You wouldn’t think it was that common of a name, but I had similar troubles of mistaken identity back in high school. When I was a freshman there was a senior also named Paul Potts. We even had art class together! He was also a very talented artist – beautiful illustrations. I think he owns a hair salon in Tucson, Arizona these days. Anyhow, I remember a couple times when I was called into the principal's office for misdemeanors that my namesake had committed. That was exciting – let me tell you.
I was exposed to art when I was a young kid. My dad dabbled in oil painting, so he stretched some canvas over some plywood and gave me brush. At 7 years old, I painted this.

I have it hanging in the house and several friends are drawn to that abstract style of art. I try not to get hurt feelings when they prefer that piece to my more current pieces.
My inspiration really hit when I moved to Denver in 1999. I got involved with a non-profit art gallery on Santa Fe Drive called Chicano Humanities and Art Council or
CHAC for short. Having a major show each year and several other showing opportunities really motivates you to produce. And of course, the more you produce, the more chances you have of selling. Selling your art then gives you the self-confidence to try more and expand your look. You can see by my portfolio that I have a diverse range of creations. I like trying new things and mediums that I perceive as challenging or out of my understanding seem to appeal to me the most. For example, I have always loved the smooth, polished marble sculptures. It is interesting that after I did a little research and bought some tools at the local hardware store, I could make a polished sculpture. And now that I have done it, I appreciate even more the old masters who didn't have the modern electric tools and yet they still produced life-like representations in stone.
I still have idea books filled with mediums and techniques that I want to try. I hope to soon be into glass fusing and kinetic wood sculptures. Keep checking my blog for my latest pursuits!