Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Carlos Martinez Ofrenda

Carlos was a good friend. He died back in 2006, but I had some of his possessions from when I cleaned out his apartment - little things like glasses, a homemade rosary, and some old photos. I have been wanting to put them together in a shadowbox to keep them together and have an ofrenda for remembering him. I displayed it at the Day of the Dead party and got many positive remarks about it from people who knew him.

Ofrendas are altars for deceased loved ones. They can also be in other forms but with the same purpose. It usually contains favorite items of that loved one such as their favorite food or candy. Since Carlos was diabetic, I put in a box of sugar free jello. We would have Jello every week when he would come over for Sunday Art Club.

He was a great mentor and a good friend. He is deeply missed.

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